Package-level declarations
The main API interface to be used when integrating with SnakeYAML Engine KMP.
The main API interface to be used when integrating with SnakeYAML Engine KMP.
The main API interface to be used when integrating with SnakeYAML Engine KMP.
The main API interface to be used when integrating with SnakeYAML Engine KMP.
Provide a way to construct an instance from the composed Node. Support recursive objects if it is required. (create Native Data Structure out of Node Graph) (this is the opposite for Represent)
Common way to serialize any Java instance(s). The instance is stateful. Only one of the 'dump' methods may be called, and it may be called only once.
Immutable configuration for serialisation. Description for all the fields can be found in the builder
Builder pattern implementation for DumpSettings
Common way to load object instance(s).
Common way to load object instance(s).
Immutable configuration for loading.
Builder pattern implementation for LoadSettings
Create a Node Graph out of the provided Native Data Structure (Java instance). (this is opposite to ConstructNode)
Type for the custom keys in settings. The keys (used in custom settings) must implement this interface. It makes possible to be 'compiler safe' and define Enum for keys. This way is easier to follow the changes in the key names and avoid a typo. The implementation of this interface must properly implement equals() and hashCode() to be used as keys in a Map
Writer with the same methods as in
but without throwing IOException
s The purpose of this class is to avoid checked exceptions in every method signature. Implementations must define their own way to react on IOException
s YamlOutputStreamWriter
Provide an example of implementation of StreamDataWriter interface which does not throw IOException
Generic unicode text reader, which will use BOM mark to identify the encoding to be used. If BOM is not found then use a given default or system encoding.