
Builder pattern implementation for LoadSettings


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Build immutable LoadSettings

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YAML 1.2 does require unique keys. To support the backwards compatibility it is possible to select what should happen when non-unique keys are detected.

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Allow only non-recursive keys for maps and sets. By default, is it not allowed. Even though YAML allows to use anything as a key, it may cause unexpected issues when loading recursive structures.

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Buffer size for incoming data stream. If the incoming stream is already buffered, then changing the buffer does not improve the performance

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The max amount of code points for every input YAML document in the stream. Please be aware that byte limit depends on the encoding.

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Provide a custom property to be used later

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Provide default List implementation. ArrayList is used if nothing provided.

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Provide default Map implementation. LinkedHashMap is used if nothing provided.

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Provide default Set implementation. LinkedHashSet is used if nothing provided.

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Define EnvConfig to parse ENV format. If not set explicitly the variable substitution is not applied

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Label for the input data. Can be used to improve the error message.

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fun setMaxAliasesForCollections(maxAliasesForCollections: Int): LoadSettingsBuilder

Restrict the number of aliases for collection nodes to prevent 'billion laughs attack'. The purpose of this setting is to force SnakeYAML to fail before a lot of CPU and memory resources are allocated for the parser. Aliases for scalar nodes do not count because they do not grow exponentially.

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Parse comments to the presentation tree (Node). False by default

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Provide constructors for the specified tags.

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Marks are only used for error messages, but they require a lot of memory. true by default.

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Manage YAML directive value which defines the version of the YAML specification. This parser supports YAML 1.2, but it can parse most of YAML 1.1 and YAML 1.0