
class StreamReader(loadSettings: LoadSettings, stream: Source)(source)

Reads the provided stream of code points, and implements look-ahead operations.

Checks if code points are in the allowed range. If stream contains invalid UTF-8-encoded bytes, they will be replaced with ?.



configuration options


the input


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constructor(loadSettings: LoadSettings, stream: String)

Read the provided String into a Buffer and implement look-ahead operations.

constructor(loadSettings: LoadSettings, stream: Source)


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object Companion


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var column: Int

Current position as number (in characters) from the beginning of the current line

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index of the current position from the beginning of the current document.

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var index: Int

Current position as number (in characters) from the beginning stream.

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var line: Int

Current line from the beginning of the stream.


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fun forward(length: Int = 1)

Read the next length characters and move the pointer.

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fun getMark(): Mark?

Generate Mark of the current position, or null if LoadSettings.useMarks is false.

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fun peek(): Int

Peek the next code point.

fun peek(index: Int): Int

Peek the next index-th code point.

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fun prefix(length: Int): String

Create String from code points.

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fun prefixForward(length: Int): String

prefix(length) immediately followed by forward(length)

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Reset the position to start (at the start of a new document in the stream)